Phoenix Lifting Work Injury Lawyer

Phoenix Lifting Work Injury Lawyer


Many types of jobs in Phoenix, AZ require manual labor, and there are many jobs requiring lifting and carrying heavy objects. Lifting any heavy object is potentially dangerous, and it is possible for many types of injuries to occur from lifting things at work. Lifting something too heavy could cause the object to fall and injure the worker, and the act of lifting itself may cause internal injuries such as sprains, strains, and soft tissue damage.

Phoenix Lifting Injury at Work Lawyer

Helping Phoenix, AZ, Workers Recover From Lifting Injuries With Workers’ Compensation

While most lifting injuries at work are not life-threatening, they can be incredibly debilitating. Depending on the location and severity of a lifting injury, the victim could be unable to work until they recover, and they may face a long series of complex medical procedures to regain full functional capacity. If you or a loved one has suffered a lifting work injury, the Arizona Injury Law Group, PLLC, is ready to provide the legal counsel you need to approach the workers’ compensation claim process with confidence.

Understanding Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Lifting Injuries at Work

State law requires almost every employer to have workers’ compensation insurance, and almost every employee is covered by this insurance if they suffer work-related injuries. When a lifting injury happens, the victim should report the incident to their supervisor immediately and seek medical care. The employer is required to notify their insurance carrier within 10 days of the injury, and they have 21 days in which to dispute the claim.

Arizona upholds the no-fault standard for workers’ compensation, meaning virtually any claim will be approved for benefits as long as the claimant sustained their injury while they were working. However, if a work injury happened because the victim was working while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or if they caused their own injury through horseplay at work, their employer might dispute the claim, and they could be denied benefits.

When an injured worker is approved for workers’ compensation, the insurance carrier will pay for all the medical care they need to fully recover from their injury. This includes both immediate and future medical care if they require multiple surgeries and rehabilitative treatment of any kind. An injured worker can also receive disability benefits. These offset lost income when they are unable to work due to their injury. They may receive partial disability benefits if they can handle light duty and/or lower-paying work in recovery, or they may receive total disability benefits if they cannot work at all until they recover.

An experienced Phoenix work injury attorney is a vital asset for anyone approaching the workers’ compensation claim filing process for a lifting injury or any other work injury. The Arizona Injury Law Group, PLLC, offers individualized and responsive legal counsel for a lifting injury or any other work-related injury. If you need to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits, we can guide you through this process and help secure the benefits you need to recover.

Workplace Injury Lawyer FAQs

Q: How Much Does Workers’ Compensation Pay?

A: Most injured workers who qualify for workers’ compensation benefits will receive full coverage of their medical expenses after a workplace injury. This includes the cost of any treatments they will need to achieve maximum medical improvement. They can also qualify for disability benefits based on whether they are able to continue working at a lower pay rate after their injury or if they cannot work at all. The amount they receive in disability benefits typically depends on how much they earned prior to their injury.

Q: How Long Does Workers’ Compensation Last?

A: If you suffer a lifting work injury in Phoenix and receive workers’ compensation benefits, there is no strict limit on how long you can continue receiving disability benefits. The amount you receive and the time you can continue receiving benefits depends on the severity of your injury and how long it takes for you to be able to return to work. Your Phoenix work injury attorney can help maximize your benefits determination and secure as much as is legally possible for a serious injury.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

A: Arizona upholds a no-fault workers’ compensation system, so most claims are approved, and claimants receive their benefits determinations within a few weeks after filing their claims. However, if an employer disputes an injured worker’s claim, it will take time to resolve. It is important for the injured worker to report their lifting injury right away so the insurer can process their claim as soon as possible. If a dispute arises with your claim, you will need legal counsel you can trust to resolve the issue.

Q: Why Do I Need a Phoenix Work Injury Attorney?

A: It is technically possible to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits on your own, but you are likely to have many legal questions in the aftermath of a work injury, and you may encounter obstacles you do not know how to overcome on your own. Having an experienced Phoenix work injury attorney represent your case means you will have a responsive legal advocate readily available to address any concerns that arise throughout your claim. You are also more likely to maximize your benefits with their help.

Q: How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Phoenix Workplace Injuries Attorney?

A: The Arizona Injury Law Group, PLLC, can provide the legal counsel you need after a lifting work injury without making your financial situation more difficult. We take cases on a contingency basis, meaning we will only collect a fee if and when we win your case. If we are unable to win compensation on your behalf for any reason, there is no fee, so there is no financial risk to choosing our team to represent you.

A lifting injury may heal in time, but some lifting injuries can be incredibly debilitating and leave victims completely unable to work or manage daily household tasks. If your recent lifting injury happened at work, a Phoenix work injury attorney could help secure the benefits you will need for a smoother recovery. Contact the Arizona Injury Law Group, PLLC, today and schedule a free consultation with our team to learn more about the legal services we offer for these cases.


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Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!