Phoenix Airport Employee Workers Compensation Lawyer

Phoenix Airport Employee Workers Compensation Lawyer
best airport employee workers compensation attorney in phoenix

Phoenix Airport Employee Workers Compensation Attorney

Airports have thousands of jobs available to the public, and some of those jobs can be considerably dangerous. Airport workers are far from exempt when it comes to the possibility of a workplace injury. Thankfully, airport workers are still able to receive workers’ compensation benefits, thanks to the state’s workers’ comp laws. If you are an airport employee seeking worker’s comp, reach out to a Phoenix airport employee worker’s compensation lawyer today.

The legal team at Arizona Injury Law Group can help you figure out your next steps following a workplace injury. It can be confusing to try and work through the state’s workers’ comp laws all on your own. Having someone in your corner who understands the complexities of Arizona’s workers’ compensation laws can only serve to help your case. After all, you will want someone on your side who can ensure you are not taken advantage of by your employer or their insurance company.

Common Airport Jobs That Can Result in Injury

A lot is always happening at airports. They are some of the consistently busiest locations on the planet. At all times of day, they are crowded with people in a rush. The airport workers can be forced to multitask, split their focus, and make quick decisions, all of which can result in devastating injuries if accidents happen. Here are some of the more common airport jobs that can sometimes result in serious injuries:

  • Baggage Handler: Nearly every airport in the world retains baggage handlers to control the destinations of millions of travelers’ luggage every day. Baggage handlers often work long shifts around dangerous machinery like conveyor belts, automated loading systems, and baggage trucks. It is not a rare occurrence for a baggage handler’s hand or arm to get crushed by falling luggage or heavy machinery.
  • Ground Crew: Airports often have hundreds of ground crew employees who are responsible for guiding airplanes during takeoff and touchdown. These employees often work in very close proximity to active aircraft and other heavy machinery like trucks, cars, and staircase vehicles. Ground crew employees can get injured by heavy gusts of wind from jet turbines or get sucked into those turbines, which often results in death.
  • Construction Workers: Many airports are often renovated to expand the number of terminals, shops, and parking areas that travelers can have access to. As a result of these frequent renovations, construction workers often work at airports. This brings typical construction site accident potential to an airport setting, with workers having to worry about falling debris, runaway machinery, collapsing structures, and unmarked trenches.
  • Maintenance Workers: Airport machinery must be repaired quickly and effectively, as it is used on a daily basis and almost consistently. Airport maintenance workers are around a great deal of heavy machinery that can cause crush injuries. In addition, if they are not careful, their body parts can get stuck in certain machines.
  • Gate Agents: Working as a gate agent can be a fairly uneventful job that does not put one in contact with many opportunities for a workplace injury. However, sometimes, an unruly traveler can get considerably angry and may take out their frustrations on the gate agent who tells them bad news. An injury sustained by an angry customer can be a bad one in certain situations.

FAQs About Phoenix, AZ Airport Employee Workers Compensation Laws

Does My Employer Have to Hold My Job While I’m on Workers’ Comp in Arizona?

Regrettably, no, your employer in Phoenix is not legally bound to hold your job while you are on workers’ comp in Arizona. It is illegal for a company in Arizona to fire you because you filed a workers’ comp claim.

However, Arizona is an at-will employment state, which means that your employer can fire you without cause whenever they want to. You can lose your job while in recovery, and it can be difficult to prove you were let go because you filed a claim against your company.

What Is the Waiting Period for Workers’ Compensation in Arizona?

The waiting period for workers’ comp in Arizona is around seven days, depending on your situation and the amount of other people waiting to receive their benefits. Once your benefits are approved and have begun processing, you may receive your compensation every 14 to 30 days, depending on the type of disability at hand. The overall waiting period for you to start receiving workers’ comp benefits in Arizona is seven days.

What Do You Do After an Airport Workplace Injury?

The very first thing you should do after an airport workplace injury is not to panic. You may feel the need to panic, but panicking won’t help anybody. Calm yourself down and assess your situation. If there is somebody around you, call for help. If you are physically able to move, call 911 and get paramedics headed your way. Once everything has calmed down and you are able to, start documenting the scene for your eventual claim.

Can I Quit My Job While on Workers’ Comp in Arizona?

Yes, you can quit your job while you are on workers’ comp in Arizona. Legally, you can quit your job whenever you want, depending on the job; however, if you decide to quit your job while on workers’ comp, your benefits will stop. You may continue to receive medical benefits, but you will no longer be receiving benefits for lost wages or even disability. So, it’s up to you if you want to start pursuing alternative career opportunities.

Reach Out to an Arizona Workplace Injury Lawyer

Dealing with a workplace injury can be a frustrating and painful ordeal. Working at an airport provides multiple opportunities to be injured at work, from falling luggage to heavy machinery and even an unruly passenger taking their day out on you. If you are ever injured at work, you should reach out to a workplace injury lawyer who can help you weigh your options and pursue your workers’ comp benefits.

The legal team at Arizona Injury Law Group knows what kind of help you need for your case, and we are prepared to offer you that help. We can help you develop your case, gather the evidence that supports your claim, and represent your interests so nobody tries to take advantage of your situation. Reach out to speak with a member of our team and schedule a consultation to learn more about what we can offer you.


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Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!