Am I Eligible for Workers Compensation?

Arizona Injury Law Group

If you or a loved one has been injured on the job and you are wondering whether you or that person qualifies for workers’ compensation benefits, here are 3 requirements you must fulfill to be eligible.


The employer must have worker’s compensation insurance (or be required to carry such insurance). The businesses that must have workers compensation insurance vary by state, depending upon the number of employees, the type of business and the specific type of work the employees perform.


You wouldn’t qualify for worker’s compensation if you weren’t an employee of the company, for example outside contractors in some states. There are special rules for many different categories of workers – domestic employees, agricultural workers, seasonal employees and undocumented workers.


Only those cases qualify for workers’ compensation where the injury or illness is determined to have been caused by work-related activity. You should notify your employer and file your claim as soon as you are injured, and consult an attorney if you have questions about your specific case.

Getting worker’s compensation is a complicated process for many people. If you have questions about your case or are facing any problems in getting what you deserve, an Arizona workers compensation attorney can help you. To schedule a free, no obligation consultation with a skilled and experienced AZ workers comp lawyer, call Arizona Injury Law Group at 602-346-9009.

Arizona Injury Law Group PLLC attorneys and staff offer workers compensation legal services in Arizona, helping injured workers obtain justice with benefits, compensation and a voice standing up for you.

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Regain Normalcy And Stability Again. We Want To Help You Get The Benefits You Need And Deserve!