7 Essential Documents for Your Work Injury Claim

Arizona Injury Law Group

To be able to claim financial compensation for your job-related injury or illness, you would require evidence to prove –

  • the cause of your injury, and
  • the extent of your financial and non- financial losses

Workers’ compensation is a “no-fault” system but you still need to prove that your injury or illness was work-related. You should also know what and how much you have lost to know your entitlements.

Here are 7 essential documents that are important to support your claim to workers’ compensation.

Work Accident Report

Work injuries must be reported to your employer. This is important to establish that your injury was work-related, and it is a requirement to maintain your workers’ compensation eligibility.

Police Report

If your work-related accident was a vehicle collision and you have a copy of the police report from the responding officer, give your copy to your attorney.

Medical Records and Bills

If you are claiming workers’ compensation, you should be able to recover all medical expenses for your work injury. So, keep all your medical reports, scans, prescriptions and any copies of the medical bills.

Photos on Your Phone

If you have any photos on your phone of the accident or injury, these can serve as important evidence in your work injury claim. These could be photos of the scene of the accident, your injuries, or any property damage.

Your Notes

You should write all you remember about your work-related accident before you forget any details. Write everything you remember about the accident and maintain a log of your daily pain levels and anything you are unable to do.

Non-Medical Expenses Receipts

Some states also allow you to claim certain non-medical expenses for reimbursement through workers’ compensation.

Correspondence from your Employer or Insurance Company

Save any letters or emails you receive from your employer or its insurance company, and share them with your attorney. To consult the best workers compensation attorney in Phoenix, Arizona, call Arizona Injury Law Group at 602-346-9009.

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